We’re back. Like the walking dead, furbies, 90210, Rambo,
boomerangs and a good hunting dog. We always come back!
Yes, it’s true. We have emerged from our snowy veiled cocoons
of wintry lives filled with numerous business trips, chilled waters, and the occasional
social appearance. From Thanksgiving until now, Easter Sunday, we had been
imprisoned to do everyday common human deeds. Forced to clean and organize. And
you know even contemplating cleaning on a good weekend for a Riverbum is
torture. Compelled to accept invitations to parties since our typical excuse of
“gone fishing” was seasonally useless. And our friends know it! Summoned to
dating. Friday double date dinners with friends, late night movies, strolls
through the park as AC runs to the nearest fountain and peers down in hopes of
seeing a fish, just one lousy fish God. Please!
But, the good thing about dating and being a Riverbum, is
the excuse. Yes, we have another excuse. Cause once the weather breaks and the
rivers run their wild flocks free for anglers to prey upon, we dump our
significant others. I mean, let’s face it. Friday nights are truly meant to
relining reels, packing the car, and mapping out river spots. There’s no time
for dating when fishing season is open. But, don’t worry, our dates know that.
We put our Facebook status on single and dating in late fall and post it as
“complicated” when April hits.
We did manage to escape, a few times, from our hibernation
in January to fish the Pere Marquette, even though frozen solid and empty
handed most trips. Can’t blame us for trying. Organizing the screws in Dad’s
toolbox was looking tempting and AC actually participated in yoga, twice. Our
minds were slipping folks, we had to do something.
Which brings us to today. This post, here and now is
dedicated to a resurrectional fishing trip. The rise of the Riverbums on a most
holy day of days. AC caught the last big fish of the year with her first salmon
on Thanksgiving day. Which means, it was only casting karma that dad should be
the one to last the first real lunker of the year on Easter Sunday. And so he
But first, we packed up the car, left at 4 am sharp Saturday
morning and arrived in Newaygo County, Michigan to fish the White River all day. Stocked with steelie lures like our orange bottom medium soft belly strung through flat head black jigs which turned out to be the trophy snatcher of the day. But, why have you read more about it, let us show you...
We thought a salute to America by a nearby tank would be good karma for the start of the season...
Saluting to a new road trip |
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She'll bushwhack anywhere to get to a spot |
The 6th hour rolled around with just a few hits here and there. We were in search of a nice early spring steelhead. We came across the biggest hole of the day in this particular region of the river. As 5 fly fishermen, 3 float boats, and 2 kayaks tried their hands at the massive hole, we patiently waited just a curve of the river away for people to clear. When all were gone, we moved in. Optimistic that something, just something was left to be caught after so many had tried...
Fish On! |
And it was a beautiful hit! For within just a few casts in this hole, Dad hooked a steelhead and took a good 15 minutes to fight him. He would drag out line with the current and then chase back towards him. Like Tom and Jerry, the brawl continued, giving quite a show for the other fishermen who came by to watch the Angler and his catch of the day in the ring...
Breaching |
The Money Shot! |
Readjusting him to the water for release |
We were covered in bugs all the day with this prime early Spring hatch. Perfect timing to match the hatch...
Dad's HATCHING more than just good casts... |
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Our Path Home |
It seems holidays are our specialities. The lunkers must be ones for festivities too as they seem to bite the best for us then. First Thanksgiving, now Easter. Next up is Mother's Day. But, let's hope we get out before then and get in some more catches.
Until next time...we'll see ya on the other side of the river
Cast Away,
AC & Dad