RiverBums: The adventures of a daughter-daddy duo

RiverBums: The Adventures of a Daughter-Daddy Fishing Duo


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Casting Makes Perfect

They say (whoever they are) that everybody has a soul mate. That perfect guy, that perfect gal. Someone who completes you in every way. Someone who makes up what you lack in. That missing puzzle piece, the true game changer. That ideal other who remembers what your favorite lyric is or everything in your favorite color reminds them of you. That perfect person who doesn’t mind that you wear their favorite college t-shirt as PJs or sits with you in the emergency room all night holding your hand. They don’t judge or criticize you or your choices. Supportive in everything you do and everything you say. That perfect person, that…oh, my…sorry I was having a dream. Now, back to reality…

Ok, so your significant other may not be real, but we can guarantee you one thing…the perfect cast does exist. Ideal, superb, flawless. Yes my friends, it is true… there is such a thing as a one of a kind cast.

Don’t believe us? Think we’re yanking your line? Then, you need a moment in the master’s corner. Yes, the only person who can pull off the smell of deet, sunscreen and 3 Dominican Republic cigars and still get a date. The man with the fish-defying frown in every Riverbum photo. The bachelor who raised 4 girls by himself and lived to tell the tale. He is the king of neoprene and feared by rabbits throughout the Midwest. He goes by many names; Obi-won, dad, daaaaaad, coach, motboy, and Tommy Randango. So ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, we give you a new segment of the blog (yet again)...

Dad's Casting Corner

The perfect cast consists of a number of essential components.  First, you must be in some incredible place where there are no other humans to witness it.  A place where eagles, bears, wolves are as commonly comfortable as the Lazy Boy in your family room while the most startling sight or sound would be that of another person.  Second, you must be standing in thigh deep water so clear that only the sound of distant rapids contradicts the peripheral allusion that you’re not.  Third, sighting THE spot.  What makes it THE spot is that it lies just beyond the realm of possible, like the number 11 redhead sitting next to the Brooks Brother suit at the other end of the car on the “L”.  Fourth, the road to THE spot is anything but clear, “booby trapped”, by high and low hanging cover coupled with a slight cross wind coming into play on the final ten yards. Fifth, a two handed overhead  (no sidearm would make it) zinger ripped high in the sky with all the force of a Jedi on steroids smoking out line just this side of “birdnest city” with no thought of thumb…and the number 11 redhead steps off the car without the suit at your stop and you’re alone as your topwater hits it’s mark and a calming moment that seems like a hybrid between now and forever vanishes as a sudden crush slaps you out of the dream and the adrenaline ride begins.  Hopefully back to your net.  It was the perfect cast, but was it?  For now that it’s gone, only the perfect cast can replace it.  

I know, he's good. And if you didn't get most of that, well, "Gone fishing" more often and you just might learn to understand what we mean. So, it was a weekend full of perfect casts, one after the other being replaced, more perfect than the last as we ventured to our favorite river in the hearts of the native tribe we hold most dear in Northern Wisconsin. And sorry, but it's still our little secret...


High Rise Casting...

It's in the Net!

Is that the Flash poking out of AC's waders?...Maybe...

Rollin in the deep

A Bridge too far...

Close encounters...

Fishing for a Top Water Sponsor...

Purple Water Lackspur

Having a Splash

Ok, this Bass is totally upstaging!

Snagged in the Shallows

Small mouth bass...in the weeds...on a chugger...need we say more?


Today, we traveled to the Little Wolf again in central Wisconsin to fish for Northern Pike and Small mouth bass...

Along the river, AC promised Dad that she would refrain from smiling in one picture, if he smiled big in one picture. After all, as the Joker once so wisely put it, "Why so Serious?" Surprisingly, he agreed, so she complied with this mediocre of a straight face...

She promised not to smile in this one and yet, there is still a smirk...Cheater!

Largest boulder we have ever seen in this river

Hiding under the downed tree

Have you ever seen the Loch Ness monster? How about big foot? How about Snooki in church? Ya, we didn't think so. Well, one of the wonders of the world has come into fruition. Yes, my friends, Dad with a fish...and he is SMILING...

Get a good look at that smile folks, cause you'll never see it again.
Thanks Dad! A frown for a smile...

No boulder is too small to cast off

Mama of the day!

Measuring against the rod

Got Pike?

AC's favorite shot of the trip...
"Lunging for the catch"

Atleast 6 lbs.

Soaking in the glory

Ok dad, we get it, he's huge!

Inevitably it was Dad with the most perfect casts as he landed the lunker of the weekend on green/yellow belly spotted top water. AC got the silver as she wasn't too far off with a 5 lbs. bass caught in a pool between the shore and a downed tree.

Totals for the weekend: Saturday: 40 bass       Sunday: 30 bass and 1 northern pike

It just goes to show that a few perfect casts can go a long way...

Until next time, we'll see ya on the other side of the river!

Cast Away,

AC & Dad

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